Vaani is an NLP Engine that tags the words that are of importance in preparing prescriptions. This can be used by speech-to-text engines to tag words and structure a digital prescription. This model was created at IISc Bangalore Hackathon, Solve4Bharat, and won second prize.
// Flutter, Node.js, Flask, Spacy and Firebase
Vaani - The Doctor's Intelligent Assistant
FridgeCam - The Affordable Smart Fridge Module
FridgeCam is a hardware module that can be connected to any fridge and convert it into a Smart Fridge. It runs on a Raspberry Pi and a Camera that clicks images of the inside shelves of the fridge and sends it to an Object Recognition Model. It returns the list of items in your fridge that can be sent to the companion app.
// Python, Tensorflow, Java, SQLite and Firebase
Loan Analytics Dashboard
Built an interactive analytics dashboard using data
visualization techniques with Prosper Loan Data from
Explored the dataset and found relevant patterns of user
behavior, that would help with prescriptive analysis of
loan appliers.
// Plotly, Dash, SQLite, Pandas and Matplotlib
MissNot! - Live BEST Bus Tracker
MissNot is a two app system that collectively tracks BEST buses and lets you know the ETA for the bus you are supposed to board. One app is installed in the driver's phone, which updates GPS co-ordinates of the bus and periodically update the real-time database. The commuter's app can fetch location from the database and the app wil calculate the time required for the bus to reach the bus stop you are at.
// Time-Distance Algorithm, Java, Firebase
I brew beautiful designs in my cauldron and create magically functional applications.
With a strong emphasis on Design Thinking, I look for creative ways of problem solving and push the boundaries of conventional thinking.
Bachelor's in Computer Engineering
Class of 2021Diploma in Computer Engineering
Class of 2018Secondary School
Class of 2015</qualifications>
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